Zooooom! Whoosh! What's that? That's Friandise Pastries, jamming through a VERY busy month of November. Weddings--catering gigs--Patchwork Show--Thanksgiving! Let's review...
We had the pleasure of providing our signature dessert displays for some weddings this month. Congratulations to all our November brides and grooms!
Dessert display with custom backdrop |
Custom-decorated Cakes for Dessert Display |
We sold tons of Kirbycakes and other Friandise Sweets at the Patchwork Festival in Culver City. The Patchwork Festival is a great way to get to know a ton of local crafters of clothes, art, jewelry, and more--including us with our irresistible Kirbycakes!
Tastiest Booth at Patchwork! |
Did you know we make custom cake pops? We do! A very delighted customer took our custom cake pops to her party and they were a huge hit!
Too Cute! |
We even had an order for black macarons! No problem--these were perfect for a Nightmare Before Christmas Bridal Shower.
Beautiful Black Macaron! |
We mustn't forget about Thanksgiving! We had many orders for pies, tarts, cupcakes, and other desserts. Our favorite was this pear and sour cherry tart--mouthwatering!
Pear and Sour Cherry Tart |
That's just a few highlights from this busy month of November. This week we're getting ready for
Unique LA, which is Saturday and Sunday at the California Market Center in Downtown LA. Come on down and check it out--10% of ticket sales are donated to Inner City Arts (an amazing non-profit for kids in LA) and you won't find a better selection of locally-crafted high-quality goods.
That's all for now. Until next time, stay sweet and send us a
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